Podiatry Blog
How Walking Workouts Can Be Your Healthy-Aging Solution
There are so many ways to help your body as you grow older and one of the best ways is to enjoy regular exercise.
Why Do My Feet and Legs Cramp?
Do you experience painful cramps in your feet or legs? Do you want to know the cause of your discomfort so that you can find pain relief? Sometimes, getting answers can be challenging because many conditions can cause foot and leg cramps.
What You Need to Know About Foot Pain and Heart Disease
Did you know that the first warning of heart disease could come from your feet?
Weed Out Foot Pain While Gardening
As the weather gets warmer, many of us are excited to head outside and work in our yards. Now, gardening is more than just great for the look of your property.
10 Tips For Optimal Foot Health During Foot Health Awareness Month
National Foot Health Awareness Month is observed every April to focus on the importance of foot health. Our
How To Prevent Kids’ Spring Sport Injuries
Living in Indiana, we all know that in the blink of an eye the weather can change. Before your child heads off to practice, check the weather and make sure they are dressed appropriately.
Be Aware Of These Common Spring Foot and Ankle Injuries
Spring is here with its warmer temperatures and after months of cold weather, we’re all itching to get active outside. And that’s a great thing.
Did I Sprain Or Break My Ankle?
If you have pain in your ankle, you know that something’s gone wrong. But you can’t always tell if you’re just experiencing a temporary problem, or if you’re facing a more serious injury.
The 3 W’s Of Visiting A Podiatrist: Why, When And What
When you are suffering from foot or ankle pain that is impacting your mobility and quality of life, you may be confused about which medical professional would be best to help you get back on your feet and return to pain-free living.
9 Reasons Why You Need A Podiatrist In Your Senior Years
As the years pass, your body changes—muscles and bones move around, ligaments relax and your circulation may slow down. And unfortunately, our feet don’t escape unaffected in this aging process.
Why Your Feet Are Red - Four Possible Causes
Have your recently looked at your feet and noticed they are red? While it may be disconcerting to see your feet red, in most cases, red feet are nothing significant to worry about and can be easily treated.
Prevent Falls and Fractures With A Safer Bathroom
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think much about bathroom safety until you or someone you know has a fall. Falls in the bathroom are actually quite common and can be serious.
Prevent Foot And Ankle Fractures With Vitamin D
During the Indiana winters, it’s hard to get our vitamin D from sunlight because of the shorter, colder days with limited. But did you know that not getting enough Vitamin D can affect the bones in your feet and ankles?
Did you make a New Year’s resolution to start an exercise program or new sport to improve your health? While starting a new exercise program is a great way to help with weight loss or improve cardiovascular health, it also puts new pressure on your feet which can lead to sports injuries…unless you follow these three important tips for safely exercising!
Why Kids Need a Midyear Foot Exam
Did you buy your kids shoes for back-to-school? And did you think that you were done with worrying about their feet until summer vacation? Well, think again! Kids’ feet grow quickly—in fact, in the six months since school started, they could have grown as much as two shoe sizes!
7 Diabetic Foot Care Tips for the Holidays
While the holidays are a joyous time, they can be tough on your feet. That’s why it’s important for everyone to pay more attention to their feet in December.
Celebrate The Holidays With Happy Feet
The holidays are a mad, wonderful rush of shopping, gatherings and celebrations. Want to enjoy all the festivities, without any foot pain? Check out our Westfield podiatrist’s rules for keep your feet happy and healthy this holiday season.
Haglund’s Deformity: A Painful Bump on the Heel
Have you noticed a bump on the back of your heel, and you want to get rid of it? Then you’re not alone!
All You Need to Know About Buying Boots
Colder weather - and winter boots season - is around the corner. And, with COVID-19 restrictions, you may prefer to shop online for your new winter boots.
What’s the Best Food for Healthy Feet?
We all know that our diets can impact many different aspects of our health. But what’s the best food for healthy feet?