Podiatry Blog
How To Prevent Kids’ Spring Sport Injuries
Living in Indiana, we all know that in the blink of an eye the weather can change. Before your child heads off to practice, check the weather and make sure they are dressed appropriately.
How to Get Your Kids the Right Back to School Shoes
According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, getting the right fit for children’s shoes is key to preventing foot problems. And the best fittings happen in stores, with professional help.
Let’s Save Small Feet for National Every Kid Healthy Week
As April ends, we mark warmer weather—and National Every Kid Healthy Week. This is the perfect time to talk about children’s foot health, since spring and summer can be a tough time on kids’ feet.
Show and Tell: Foot Health for Kids
We’re on your team, so we’d like to share some ways to model healthy foot care for your children.
Podiatrists Can Help Children, Too
We often think that podiatrists are only for adults, but did you know that children can benefit, too? This includes the youngest of our patients.
What’s in Your Child’s Sports Bag?
As you’re helping your child pack their book bag — or gym bag, include a few additional items that may help reduce or prevent foot, ankle, and heel pain.
Reminder: Children’s Feet Should Not Hurt
You hear the term “growing pains” quite often, but we’re here to tell you that it’s not okay for your child’s feet to hurt.
Podiatry for Kids
You’re never too young to start taking good care of your feet. Let’s talk about some of the most common foot conditions facing kids and how to avoid and treat them.
Four Reasons to Take Your Kid to a Podiatrist
Many people write off children’s foot pain as “growing pains,” but kids don’t just outgrow podiatric issues. Catching and treating foot problems now could save your kid lots of pain and difficulty when they’re older.
Summer Shoes for Little Feet
Here are some things to consider when you’re buying shoes for your kids this summer.
Keeping your Toddler’s Feet Healthy
We’re working to take some of the guess work and stress away from caring for your child’s feet. If you keep these following tips in mind, it will help steer them in the direction of good future foot health.