Podiatry Blog
Nutrition and Diabetes
Diabetes, which is a chronic condition that impacts your friends, family members, and neighbors, is one condition that is greatly influenced by the food on your plate.
The Gift of Pain Relief: MLS Laser Therapy
Have you forgotten about MLS Laser Therapy as an option to treat your pain? Multiwave Locked System Therapy treats soft tissue injuries while reducing inflammation and eliminating pain and discomfort.
Look down! It’s Diabetes Awareness Month
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. There are many signs and symptoms to look for with this chronic condition, but your feet may be telling you something, so look down and check the health of your feet.
Take Action During Falls Prevention Month
We want to provide tips on ways to protect our older neighbors and share some proactive ways to strengthen your feet and ankles.
When Your Parents Have Diabetes
We know how diabetes can affect feet, and we’re here to help you remind your parents to take care of themselves, too.
Laser In On Relief
It is our joy to provide solutions to improve your quality of life, and this includes finding quick, effective and painless treatment options. One of those options is MLS or Multiwave Locked System Laser Therapy.
You Don’t Have to Get Burned by Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that starts with a slight tingling or burning in isolated regions of your feet but can turn into a complete loss of sensation in your entire foot.
Are Your Feet Still Cold in the Summer?
Patients with diabetes sometimes report persistently cold feet. Here are a few ways you can avoid cold feet this summer.
Blood Sugar and Your Feet
Your foot health and blood-sugar levels are more closely linked than you may think and here are ways you can improve your foot health by staying on top of your blood sugar.
Living with Neuropathy
Have you noticed any tingling, burning, or loss of sensation in your feet? If so, you might be experiencing peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is caused by damaged peripheral nerves. In the case of peripheral neuropathy of the feet, the faulty nerves fail to properly communicate stimuli from the feet to the brain, resulting in a loss of sensations.
Stop Diabetic Foot Ulcers Before They Start
Let’s identify some diabetic-related causes of foot ulcers and discuss how you can lessen the effects of diabetes on your feet.
Diabetic Foot Care for Beginners
Here’s what you can expect from your feet as a diabetic and also how you can take care of them on a daily basis.
Set Lasers to: Heal!
Our podiatrist is always at the forefront of podiatric medicine and technology; including offering patients laser therapy treatment.
What’s in a Walk?
One of the most important things your feet do is walking. The way you walk is called your gait. The gait is made up of two pieces that meld together to make a fluid motion.
These Feet are on Fire!
Any burning or tingling sensation anywhere in our body is a cause for concern and is often a huge warning sign of something going on internally.