Podiatry Blog
Why Your Feet Are Red - Four Possible Causes
Have your recently looked at your feet and noticed they are red? While it may be disconcerting to see your feet red, in most cases, red feet are nothing significant to worry about and can be easily treated.
Why Are My Feet Swollen?
Are you wondering, why are my feet swollen? In some cases, mild foot swelling is temporary and no cause for concern.
What is Osteomyelitis?
Osteomyelitis is a serious, but rare diabetic complication that affects your bones. This condition may develop if you have a diabetic foot infection or ulcer.
All You Need to Know About Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a condition that develops when you damage or compress your tibial nerve damage. (It runs through a group of bones and ligaments in your ankle known as the tarsal tunnel.)
Avoid Foot Pain this Holiday Season With These 5 Tips
Holiday shopping, cooking and entertaining can add up to whole lot of foot pain at this time of year. (Especially if you try to do all that in your party shoes and high heels.)
How to Customize Your Foot Support
We know the value of specially made, one-of-a-kind custom orthotic devices, but we also know how tempting it may be to select an over-the-counter pair.
Trick or Treat, But Watch Your Feet
Before you plan your outfit for Halloween, here are some reminders of the importance of your shoe choice.
Take Action During Falls Prevention Month
We want to provide tips on ways to protect our older neighbors and share some proactive ways to strengthen your feet and ankles.
I missed a sore on my foot! What now?
Unfortunately, patients may have missed a cut or a scrape that developed into a deeper wound at risk of infection. If this is you, we’re here to help.
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Feet
A new year is always a fantastic time to start new routines and traditions. In 2019, start the year off on the right foot by stepping towards healthy foot care!