How to Stop Cracked, Dry Skin on Feet This Summer

It seems like every summer, you get dry skin on feet, especially around your heels. Why is that the case and why should you care? In this post, we’ll explain the danger of letting your feet dry out during the summer. Then, we’ll tell you what to do if you’re already dealing with dryness or cracks on your feet and heels and how to prevent this problem in the future. 

What Causes Dry Skin on Feet?  

In the hot summer months in Westfield, IN, you switch from closed-toed shoes to sandals and slides. Sometimes, you might even skip shoes altogether and go barefoot by the pool or beach. Well, when you make that switch, you leave the delicate skin on your feet open to the hot, dry air. You’re also more likely to get dehydrated in the summer, which further pulls moisture from your skin. This is why dry skin on the feet is so common when it’s hot out. 

Why Is Having Dry Skin on Your Feet a Hazard? 

The skin on your heels is already thicker than other areas, because dead skin cells build up there to help absorb the pressure and shock when you walk or run. Because the skin is already thick and hard, if it dries out, you’re more likely to develop cracks on your heels. And, if that happens, you’re opening yourself up to bleeding, as well as infections. 

Even worse? If you have diabetes or neuropathy, your circulation or feeling in your feet may be compromised. That means you could have dry skin on feet, along with cracks and bleeding, that you don’t notice for a while or that takes much longer to heal. 

Preventing a Problem

First, we should take care of callouses on your heels, since they’re more likely to crack if you have dry skin on your feet. Next, you need to start applying urea-based moisturizers daily (twice a day if you can!) to dry spots on your feet and heels.  You should also increase your daily fluid intake, to stay hydrated and lock moisture into your foot skin. Finally, if your heels keep drying out and cracking, the problem could be pressure from the structure of your foot. In that case, come in for an immediate appointment. Dr. David Sullivan can fit you for orthotics. These devices will support your biomechanics and keep dry skin on feet from taking a hit and cracking under pressure. 


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