5 Ways to Love Your Feet This Valentine’s Day

February is officially the month of love, and here in our Westfield, IN podiatry office, we want to shower your feet with affection, too. As we rush through life, that puts tons of pressure on our feet. Add in too little time to address foot concerns, and situations develop when your feet and ankles could really use some TLC. Ready to show your feet the care they deserve? Check out five easy ways to love on your feet this month. 

5 Ways to Shower Feet With Love

  1. Eliminate nagging foot or heel pain. Coming back from an injury? Dealing with ongoing heel pain that returns every time you exercise? MLS laser therapy could be the solution you’re seeking. This painless, FDA-cleared treatment option treats pain and inflammation, and is up to 90% effective at relieving discomfort from many common foot, ankle and joint conditions.

  2. Find shoes that fit your needs. Squeezing your feet into shoes that don’t fit is a recipe for pain and injury. (No matter how cute they may be, or how well they used to fit!) Treat yourself to a new pair of shoes! Go to a shoe store where they measure your feet and be sure to try on the shoes before buying them. (Plus here are some great ways to make sure your kid’s shoes fit as well!)

  3. Bring on the moisture. After a bitterly cold January, take time this month to incorporate daily moisturizing into your footcare routine. By applying a rich cream to your feet every day, you can help keep the skin on your feet from drying out and developing painful cracks.

  4. Get some support. Of course, sometimes your body’s biomechanics will lead to foot or ankle pain, no matter how hard you try to wear supportive shoes and train safely when you work out. If that’s the case, getting fitted for a pair of orthotics can help prevent running or other athletic injuries and provide support for every day walking. Plus, for people with a history of bunions, heel or arch pain, these medical devices can keep problems from returning.

  5. Give your feet a break. Sitting at your desk all day allows blood to pool in your feet and can leave them tired and swollen. Consider purchasing a footrest for under your desk. A footrest can help reduce fatigue and ease pain or discomfort of the feet and ankles.

Need even more ways to shower your feet with love? We’re here to help! Just reach out and schedule an immediate appointment with Dr. David Sullivan serving Westfield, Carmel, Noblesville, Fishers and Zionsville, Ind.



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