Here’s How to Prevent and Treat Foot Odor

Foot odor can be a major cause of embarrassment. When your feet smell, you want to get rid of that odor quickly. But, if you take some time to identify the cause of that stink, it can keep problems from returning. So, today, your Westfield podiatrist is here to tell you what makes your feet smell. That way, we can prevent foot odor from developing. (Or help resolve it quickly if smelly feet are already a problem.) 

What Causes Foot Odor? 

Many things can make your feet smell. But these are a few of the most common offenders. 

1. Issues with sweating. This problem raises a big stink since bacteria-ridden sweat particles can break down your old skin cells, leaving odor in their place.

2. Dirty shoes. Shoes can absorb sweat—and its smelly aftereffects. Giving shoes time to breathe between wearings can help prevent a stinky buildup.

3. Fungal infections. If you have athlete’s foot, or even a fungal toenail, it may cause your whole foot to smell. Be sure to see us immediately to clear up the infection and the odor.

Treating Foot Odor in Westfield, IN

The best way to get rid of foot odor is to stop it from ever developing. So, to keep your feet smelling their best, keep sweat away by always wearing socks with athletic shoes or other closed-toed shoes. When possible, choose shoes made from natural materials to improve breathability. Thick, soft socks made from natural fibers or sports socks absorb moisture and help keep your feet dry. And, if your feet do get sweaty, change out of your wet socks as soon as possible. 

Hygiene is also very important if you want to prevent foot odor. Change into clean, fresh socks every day. (Or more often if you work out or play sports.) Even better, use a mild soap and scrub brush to wash your feet every day. (Just be sure to dry them completely before putting socks or slippers back on.) Hard, dead skin on your feet gets soggy and soft when it’s wet and creates an environment where bacteria like to live. Use a foot file to remove this hard, dead skin from your feet. And always inspect your feet for changes in your skin’s appearance, especially between the toes since this area can be an early sign of fungal infections. 

Did the odor prevention ship already sail? No problem: we’re here to help. If you or a loved one are dealing with stubborn foot odor, schedule an immediate appointment with Dr. David Sullivan. He’ll identify the root cause of your odor issue. Then, he’ll review treatment options, from changing your shoe and sock choices to special foot deodorants. There are so many options, but we can only help if you come in and see us. So, call us now and you won’t have to live another day with unchecked foot odor.


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