Wondering About Wound Care?


If you discover a wound on your feet or ankles, it can be frightening. Depending on your health, you may not have even noticed you were injured. With the help of the team at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC, wounds can not only be prevented but also quickly treated if they are discovered. For all patients, particularly patients with diabetes, this is why daily checks of feet and ankles are critical. As with most medical conditions, early detection puts you in a powerful position as a patient. Here is how we can help.

Wound Care Specialist

Did you know that Dr. David Sullivan is a certified wound specialist? This means that he is an expert when it comes to detecting, treating and managing this condition. With this expertise, you can be comforted that your care team has the latest information and treatment options for your recovery. If you’ve scheduled an appointment, we use guidance from the latest technology to perform a comprehensive exam. This includes neurologic, orthopedic and vascular information. After we’ve treated your wound and you have fully recovered, we will keep in touch for regular check-ups. This helps to prevent any additional problems.

Stopping the infection

If a wound is open, the body is at risk of developing an infection. At the first sign, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist. If you have an infection, we can help, too. Our first priority is to treat the infection to avoid complications such as an amputation, which can impact patients with diabetes. Read this post for more additional best practices.

Treating the cause

Whether you experienced foot trauma, are wearing the wrong shoes, or are diagnosed with neuropathy, we want to help you prevent an infection. Visit the experts for excellent care. We are trained to help our patients recover and continue their normal activities.

If you call Westfield, IN, or the Hamilton County area home, schedule a visit or contact us at (317) 896-6655. Make an appointment with Dr. David Sullivan.


Updated Information for Our Patients Regarding COVID-19


Nutrition and Diabetes