Common Fall Foot Issues


As long summer days fade into fall and cooler autumn temperatures approach, we here at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC, will often see a shift in the foot conditions prevalent in our offices. As our patients change from wearing open-toed shoes like flip-flops and sandals to closed-toed shoes and even boots, the likelihood of certain foot disorders become more and more common.

Three common fall foot issues:

Bunions – Hereditary plays some role in this condition, as your foot shape is determined by your parents’. However, the main factor that causes painful bunions to form is the shoes that we wear. Women are actually more likely to get bunions than men, and some experts point to high heels as part of the problem. Squeezing toes into pumps or other shoes that have narrow space for toes can cause bunions or make them more prevalent and painful.

Athlete’s foot – Closed shoes are warm, dark, and often moist, which is bacteria and fungus’ favorite breeding ground! Infections like athlete’s foot are very common in patients who do not change their shoes and socks or do not wash their feet daily with soap and water. Another contributing factor is that people often move their workouts indoors during the fall. Instead of running on the trails, they’re hitting the treadmill. If you are one of the many people who work out at a gym, make sure you always wear shower shoes or flip-flops in the locker room or shower areas. Keeping feet covered will reduce the risk of these infections that spread through direct contact.

Ingrown toenails – Again, with the shoes! Tight or narrow shoes can compress your feet, putting lots of pressure on your toes. Being in this position for extended periods can cause your nail to cut back into your skin surrounding the nailbed. Keep your nails trimmed short (but not too short) and cut them straight across to help minimize the risk.

If you’re dealing with any of the above issues, it’s time to see your podiatrist. Dr. David R. Sullivan here at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC, utilizes state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques and cutting-edge technologies to treat any foot or ankle woes. You can reach our conveniently located Westfield, IN office at 317-896-6655.


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